Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Love - What does it mean ?

Dear Readers,

Destiny guided subtly my unsuspecting mind to Osho's works. I have since read a few and listened to some. It was wonderful to know his thoughts on so many things. His depth of knowledge and his loving heart speaks to you when you read or listen to him.

The thing that touched me most is the way he describes love. He is short and simple.

I have read many great persons trying to define love. One of my all time favorite hero Napoleon says "It is difficult to define what it is. The more you define the more confusing the subject becomes. However, I think it is detrimental to the society and unsuitable for the happiness of an Individual. Man will be happy if he stays away from it." However, Napoleon was no ordinary man. He was one of the history's greatest military commander and till today is considered one of the most thoughtful man. What Napoleon had realized is that Love destroys individuality, which was the base of Napoleon's power.

Osho says, it is simply....GIVING. To give is to love. The person who loves find happiness in giving. His happiness does not depend on the receiver. He is not required to know who receives the given. To Whom So Ever it may Concern, he says. He keeps sending love letters. He is not concerned about the address. He is only interested in sending. Lust, he says, is the death of love. Love is unconditional giving.

You shall notice when you start giving to others, you shall feel a pain in your heart. You are giving something for nothing. Your mind tells you, you are a fool, be practical. Even if you start giving, you secretly wait for the return and when the return is not to come, you repent the giving. This is human nature. This is the way we have been always. We have always wanted, demanded and needed love. If we are not loved we feel ill treated. We do thousand things, so that others can love us. However, we can't think of giving the same. Everybody is in the same state. Every one begging and no one giving. Everybody going into the relationship expecting what he will get and not what he will give. So that all relationship become sour after sometime, as two beggars can't beg from each other. Much like a beggar, when it comes to giving, our heart sinks. We feel terrible, we calculate, we expect, we insure, we ensure, we hesitate. While Love opens the heart and brings into our consciousness that what we love, miserliness ( read as "not giving") shrinks the heart. The consciousness shrinks to a petty nothing.

Love is the unit out of which the whole world is created. Everything is created from it and will get dissolved into it. The law of physics has now come to a point where it proclaims that the smallest particle of a matter is not atom. In fact the sub atomic particles are 99.9% empty and the rest is nothing but energy. We are 99.9% empty. The intelligence which spawn us out of emptiness was there when we first appeared in our mother's womb. The present scientist realizes, matter is not new, the atoms we have in our body are not new but billions of years old. What has resulted in a new body is the intelligence.

Osho says the intelligence is of the spirit which traveling through the universe is taking up new bodies, much like we change our clothes when they become dirty or unsuitable, to get new experiences. The soul transforms itself to more evolved state by the new experiences. The soul tries ever so, evolving with each experience. The ultimate aim, the ultimate experience is the one which Yoga describes as Samadhi, which is nothing but when the Soul finds itself as one with the universe. When it realises that it is his foolish individuality or sense of self, is what was obstructing him to realise the ultimate unity. That the universe is not different things but one thing appearing as many. Each part assuming itself as a separate being or universe in itself and thus giving birth to "MAYA" or illusion. This appearance, illusion or belief of the soul is the obstacle which experience overcomes gradually in the journey. The oneness fills the Soul with a sense of oneness with everything else. He is the sky, he is the earth, he is the fire, he is the Water. He is what burns and what is burnt. He is what eats and what is eaten. He is the flower, he is the Stone. He is the enemy and he is the friend. He is the rescuer and he is the rescued. Thus the soul comes to the realisation that he is the whole and he is the part. The realisation is what Osho says Love. Love is ever expanding, all embracing and the real nature of creation.

It is the same feeling that we some times experience and ignore. This is the same thing which is in a mother's heart and in the beloved's eyes. This is the only purpose of this life and all the lives to come for you. This is why you are born. Osho says if you can practice loving ( read as "giving" ) we can get closer to this experience and realise a new beauty in life and everything. Love is not a thing, like happiness and anger it is a state of mind. Much like you can choose to think one thing or the other, you can choose to be in love or out of it.

Thank you for your patient reading. I shall be encouraged to express more if the above made sense to you.



  1. Absolutely brilliant Stuff. Written from an unconditioned heart, following the instructions of a pure soul
